Mustafa Fahs

The ‘Hoopoe’ Drone and Hochstein

Between Hezbollah’s “hoopoe” drone - which flew in the skies of occupied Palestine and returned with pictures of strategic Israeli locations, especially in the city of Haifa and its port, in addition to important factories and military installations - and the White House “hoopoe”, that is, the US…

Southern Lebanon and Difficult Scenarios 

The unprecedented recent escalation on Lebanon's southern front comes amid domestic and international fears of the situation deteriorating further. Everyone is worried that an open-ended confrontation, which seems possible, or a full-scale war, which remains unlikely, could break out between Israel…

From Iraq to Lebanon... The Path of the Ruling Elites

From Iraq to Lebanon, dates converge and events intersect, but differ only in names, to the point where the history of the two modern countries, that is, since their founding more than a century ago, can be described as a common history of two states, or two common histories of one country. If…

Gaza… the Holocaust and the Nakba

In a 1941 radio interview, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill called Hitler's crimes “crimes without a name.” These crimes remained unnamed until 1946 when the United Nations General Assembly adopted a Resolution on genocide. "The Crime of Genocide" defined it as denying an entire group of…

Lebanon Pending Until After ‘Post-Gaza’ 

Hezbollah refuses to decouple the war on Gaza from the war it has been waging in support of Gaza from the South since October 8, 2023. This insistence closes the door to a land-border agreement linked to the implementation of UN Resolution 1701. Despite the appealing aspects of the offers that…

Lebanon Between Domestic Chaos and Regional Repercussions

Two crimes: the evidence from one seems to indicate that it had been the work of an intelligence service (Israel's Mossad), and the other seems like it had been perpetrated by an organized crime ring, but the evidence shows signs that it was political. We have not seen the circumstances and details…

The Two Mutinies of the Iranian Elections

The Iranian electorate’s refusal to obey the authorities has undercut the regime’s legitimacy. By abstaining in such large numbers, the electorate has deprived the authorities of the popular legitimacy they desperately need. Regardless of whether we accept the official turnout rates or the…

Iraq on the Day After US Withdrawal, Again

We are back at the hypothetical press conference held by a senior US official after the conclusion of the American National Security Council meeting in which the US administration has announced that the last remaining US troops were pulled out of Iraq. In response to a journalist's question,…

Iraq The Day After The United States’ Withdrawal

If, hypothetically, an American National Security Council meeting were to end with a high-ranking American spokesperson announcing that “earlier today, the last American soldier was evacuated from Iraq as part of the US withdrawal from the global coalition against terrorism. The president had…

Palermo - Beirut - The Hague... We Were Right

From Sicily to Lebanon, thoughts of the tales about the organized crime group or the Sicilian mafia have been brimming in the minds of the Lebanese as they followed developments in their country like spectators from the end of the civil war to the present, i.e., since the warlords of that conflict…